Simply put, a disciple of Christ is one who follows and learns from Jesus.
Below is an acrostic to further give definition:
D – Depends on God’s grace and mercy shown thru the cross.
I – Identity is in Christ.
S – Serves others.
C – Corporately worships and participates in community life.
I – Integrates God’s truth to life.
P – Practices prayer and spiritual disciplines.
L – Learns more of God’s truth and practice.
E – Engages in mission.
Opportunities for Discipleship at Maywood
Corporate worship
Life Groups
Classes: Spiritual Gifts, Life of Christ etc.
Serving opportunities: Faith Factory, Nursery, Tutor Club, Welcome/Connections, Events, Praise Band etc.
Spiritual Disciplines: Prayer, Bible Reading, Giving
Specialized: Conferences, Men’s and Women’s Ministry
Short-term missions
Stephen Ministry
Gospel Group